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brauche Hilfe bei Linksys NSLU2


15+ Jahre im GSV

wer hat so ein Teil und kann mir Hilfe geben.

Ich möchte andere Firmware aufspielen und schaffe es nicht.

Anbei die Beschreibung:

1. Download Unslung-n.xx-beta-firmware.zip from http://sourceforge.net
see https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=116564
and upgrade the NSLU2 with the given unslung bin
through the web interface (no disks should be attached at this time)
->web interface->administration->advanced->upgrade (browse for file)
start upgrade

Flashing firmware is a straight-forward procedure. However, there is always
the possibility that something could go wrong and damage your NAS in
the process. Flashing unofficial firmware will probably void your warranty.

2. Reboot the NSLU2 with USB disk1 or USB disk2 attached.
Twonkymedia will be unstalled on this disk.

3. Unzip all files from this package into a folder on your PC,
start NASSetup.exe and follow the instructions.

Danke Andy
Oben Unten