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This item could be a reason to buy a cellphone with bluetooth ;-)
I am very excited about this new product! Will you unveil it before the release date?
Nice day!
I am very glad you are interested it,Nowaday, the concrete date is uncertain,but during these time,we will keep exposure information about the new release.
Best regards
Please tell more about the new product, is ist the product on the 3. picture?
Yes,the picture 3 are the three new release.:P:P:P
You will see more details in this week. because the new release is testing. please keep attention~
I am interested in the features off that new product.

Will also also be useable with temperatures above 250/300°C ?
Yes the temperature is also usable above 250/300°C.
The new design looks great.
Well, I think that now a magnet at the back of the case should be.
Greeting IS2000 [/ QUOTE]
Hi IS2000~
Yes, you are right .there is a magnet at the back of the case .:D
Also interested, depending of the features... 50% off sounds good to me.
I'm interested....:sun:
Oben Unten