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Okay, understood. :)

Now that I look more closely, the model with the rounded corners also seems to have a dual-orientation display.

Can you elaborate a little on the presumed use case? I never would have thought about adjustable orientation.

Hi, sorry, I just mean rotate the screen,just like you did on a smart phone. I will post a video maybe later.

There will be a long holiday in the coming days. Post office and all the department left during these period. So shipping time will be much longer than before(according to our experience), we will get many complaint from the customers which including long shipping time, lost packages ect. All these factors badly effect on our account and give our customers a bad buying experience.

So, we list them online after that(before 10th Oct, 2017)

Sorry for all the inconvenience.
I'm interested too
my old one ist just now broken
Here is my comment to join the benefit!!!
I'm interested too...if there is an 50% discount. ;)
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