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Qualitätsstufen Prime, Choice and Select


10+ Jahre im GSV
Ein Kumpel der mir regelmäßig Fleisch aus den USA mitbringt, hat mir jetzt den Link eines Metzger gemailt in welchem er öfters einkauft. Auf dessen Homepage bin ich dann über folgendes gestoßen:

Understanding the Grades of Meat

American Meat the best meat in the world
In general, American meat is the best in the world. Breeding has become more scientific, and methods of animal care, feeding and slaughtering have improved. Processing, refrigeration techniques and transportation have also improved, resulting in better quality as meat moves from the farm to the packing center and the wholesale markets.
The U.S. government conducts stringent inspections of both live animals and carcasses. Each wholesale cut of an inspected and approved carcass must be stamped ´´Inspected and Passed by the Department of Agriculture.`` All fresh and processed meat products shipped from one state to another must have this federal stamp. Every butcher automatically looks for the stamp, because it indicates that meat is wholesome. However, the stamp tells nothing about the quality or grade of meat
Prime, Choice and Select defined
Meat inspection protects your health. The grading system describes quality, and predicts how tender, juicy and flavorful the meat will be. There are only three grades of meat for you to select when shopping: Prime, Choice and Select. Other grades are sold to canners and meat processors.
When you are shopping for meat, ask your butcher about the grades he carries. Dorfler's Meat Market sells only USDA Prime.

Prime (best)
The highest grade of beef and lamb. Prime meat is marked with a purple shieldtype roller stamp. Prime sells at premium prices, because it is produced in smaller quantities than other grades. Within the category of Prime, Dorfler's Meat Market selects only the upper end of the USDA Prime. It takes a trained eye to pick only the top Prime.
Don´t expect to find Prime meat in the supermarket. Top restaurants and hotels purchase most wholesale Prime meat and the rest is sold to the top butchers.

Choice (better)
The next grade after prime is Choice. Much of today's supermarket meat is USDA Choice. It is the most popular grade overall, and often bears a brand name.

Select (good)
Select is the lowest grade available to the consumer, and makes up the rest of meat in the supermarket. It may be sold with a house brand name.

Gibt es diese Qualitätsabstufungen in D auch, oder machen wir den Amis einmal etwas nicht nach? Fände ich gut wenn es diese Kennzeichnung bei uns auch geben würde.

Wie macht der das mit dem Fleisch mitbringen? Ich habe gedacht Lebensmittel dürfen seit dem BSE Gedöns nicht mehr mitgebracht werden !!!!!!! Also mein Onkel aus Kanada nimmt nix mehr mit nach drüben und bringt leider :cry: auch nix mehr mit aus Kanada, weil er Angst hat dass sie ihn filzen und dann ist das schöne Zeugs weg :-?
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