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Now that this "International" forum is off the gro


Militanter Veganer
...I am looking for reccomendations for a first time smoker.

I bought a very nice Brinkmann grill/smoker a few years back

and I want to finally use the smoker. But since this is a very long, delicate, and possibly expensive process, I would like to try something easy and somewhat idiotproof. Hot dogs perhaps? :lol: [/img]
Actually I'm thinking of some low-temperature-babybackribs.

There is no chance to fail with this one, I presume.

Pork is much more easier to prepare than other kinds of meat.
We do. But you normally have to order them quite some time in advance at your local butcher's.
3970010 schrieb:
How much per pound do you guys have to pay for them?

Pork shoulder or butt ranges from 1.50 - 4 € per pound where i come from.

Like Ribs, the prices are very high compared to the ones in the US of A.

But bemember, German pork is the best !
though i´d kill for some US Beef...

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