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Der Ball ist rund und...



... das Rinderkotelett auch nett anzusehen. Mariniert in Olivenöl, Rosmarin, Thymian, Majoran, Knoblauch und Pfeffer.

Die "Groink"-Balls: Rinderhack mit ordentlich Smoking Zeus Rub durchgeknetet und ziehen lassen. Dann um einen Fetawürfel die Kugel geformt und mit Bacon umwickelt.

Beides pünktlich zum Anstoß bei mittlerer Temperatur auf den Elektroknecht. Zur Halbzeit noch mit BBQ-Sauce glasiert und nach der Halbzeitpause nochmal kurz direkt gegrillt.






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Did you first seared your steak directly on the grill, and then moved to indirect heating, or did you just grill all indirectly and obtain that beautiful bark thanks to the barbecue sauce?

And that other one is what you call "Monk ball"?
I've grilled it indirectly for about an hour at medium heat and then directly for one minute each side.

The "Groink"-Balls are my greece version oft the moink balls. Had to test my new spices. And a little bit of cheese is never wrong.

The BBQ-Sauce was only for the meatballs, not for the Kotelett.
ah, ok! So you grilled it directly for that bark. You used the reverse searing method. Good Job!

What spices did you use? Reveal us your secrets :messer:
For the meatballs I've used a bought rub called Smoking Zeus.

The kotelett marinated in olive oil, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, garlic and pepper.

Sorry for my bad english.
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