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Nutzt von Euch jemand den Email-Client Postbox von Postbox INC.?

Nutze ich...

  • Windows

    Stimmen: 3 16,7%
  • Mac

    Stimmen: 0 0,0%
  • Stimmen: 15 83,3%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer


20+ Jahre im GSV
Nur als kurze Frage...ist ein Thunderbird-Fork.
Deshalb frage ich:

Why don't you have user forums?

Postbox does not make available unmoderated user-forums as some recommendations could result in data loss.

For example, imagine having an issue with an account in Postbox, and a forum member recommends that you delete the account and start over. Perfectly safe in the eyes of the forum member, because they always use IMAP. But if you happen to be using POP, and then delete that account, you will delete all of the messages contained within that account (except for Inbox messages in certain circumstances). A lifetime worth of email... permanently deleted.

While most Postbox users are fairly tech-savvy, many are not, and some subtleties could get lost in translation for our non-English speaking visitors. At the end of the day, if recommendations are provided within a page that has our company name and logo on it, we're ultimately responsible.

If Postbox was an image editor, music app, game, etc. we would feel differently about forums. But Postbox is a different kind of app, because email is the closest thing we have to a "life database." Everything is in there, and it is really easy to lose all of it if one is not careful, or don't have backups, or not using IMAP, etc.
Deshalb frage ich:
Eine ziemlich "krude" Begründung, warum man kein Forum hat. Ich habe doch richtig verstanden, dass es sich um ein E-Mail-Programm handelt (Thunderbird Fork) und nicht um einen E-Mail-Dienst, oder?

Wer noch per POP3 abfragt und den Account löscht, um von vorne anzufangen...


Ich hegte kurz die Idee, das hier mal zu testen.
Ich würde niemals alle meine Mails nur im Netz speichern. Ich brauch das lokal.

So toll alle webbasierten Services wie gmail sind...
Eine ziemlich "krude" Begründung, warum man kein Forum hat. Ich habe doch richtig verstanden, dass es sich um ein E-Mail-Programm handelt (Thunderbird Fork) und nicht um einen E-Mail-Dienst, oder?

Wer noch per POP3 abfragt und den Account löscht, um von vorne anzufangen...



Allerweil das Geld:

Postbox appears to be struggling. They no longer provide any user support, not even a user to user forum. They have cut their price in half, and their total sales over 5 years is described as tens of thousands of users. That is less than a million dollars, not enough to fund 3 full-time silicon valley types for five years. Since they are a fork they lost access to any new features provided by Mozilla without a lot of backporting, and add-ons are not directly compatible. They do not even incorporate Gecko 10, which makes it difficult to add security updates.

Oben Unten